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Pagina di snodo Tassonomia
Fontana dei Tritoni
Piazza della Bocca della Verità

In early 18th-century Rome, the ancient area of the Forum Boarium was still sparsely populated.

Fontana del Babuino
Via del Babuino

Die Fontana del Babuino (Brunnen der Pavian), so dass durch das Volk von Rom den Spitznamen wegen der Hässlichkeit der Statue war ursprünglich ein „halböffentlichen“ Brunnen. 

Fontana del Facchino
Via Lata

A male figure with a badly-damaged face holds a barrel in his hands, out of which flows a stream of water creating a little fountain: it is the so-called Fountain of the Porter leaning against the

Fontana di Villa Celimontana foto ufficiale
Via della Navicella

The River Fountain which dates back to the 17th century, is located inside Villa Celimontana, on the Celio hill.

Fontana del Giardino di Piazza Vittorio
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

A dolphin, three tritons and a large octopus entwine themselves in a fight inside the

Via Giulia

The beautiful fountain along the elegant and quiet Via Giulia, not far from the back façade of

Piazza Navona

The fountain of the Moro (Moor) is fed by the Acqua Vergine and situated on the Southern side of Piazza Navona

Fontana del Mosè, Mostra dell'Acquedotto Felice
Piazza San Bernardo

Der monumentale Brunnen wurde zwischen 1585 und 1589 auf der Piazza San Bernardo in dem Rione Castro Pretorio

Fontana del Navigante
Piazza del Porto di Ripetta

Created by the Ticinese stonemason Filippo Bai, the Fontana del Navigante adorned the hemicycle above Porto di Ripetta, essential access to the city.

Piazza Navona

At the northern end of Piazza Navona – which it embellishes together with the

Fontana del Nettuno ph Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Piazza del Popolo

The fountain of Nettuno (Neptune) is placed in the Western hemicycle of Piazza del Popolo on t

Fontana del Pantheon
Piazza della Rotonda

Created by the sculptor Leonardo Sormani, on a 1575 design by the architect Giacomo della Porta (1533-1602), the fountain of the Pantheon was one

Fontana del Prigione ph Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Via Goffredo Mameli

Located in via Goffredo Mameli, on the slopes of the Janiculum Hill, the ancient Fountain of the Prisoner was built in 1587-1590, as an ornament of the garden of Villa Mont

Fontana del Putto a Villa Doria Pamphilj foto sito ufficiale Villa Doria Pamphilj
Via di San Pancrazio

The fountain, also known as Cupid’s, stands in the center of the Garden of the Villa Pamphilj Theater and was built in 1855 by the architect Andrea Busiri

Fontana del Teatro Apollo ph Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Lungotevere Tor di Nona

Along Lungotevere Tor di Nona, the fountain stands at the point where, in Roman times, there was a docking of the river, used for the landing of marble and, in the Middle Ages, for

Fontana del Tritone
Piazza Barberini

Der Brunnen besteht aus vier Delfinen mit nach oben gedrehten Schwanzflossen, die eine geöffnete Muschelschalhälfte tragen.

Foto Fontana dell'Acqua Marcia sito ufficiale
Via Nomentana

Located in the Nomentano district, in front of the Church of Sant’Agnese, the fountain was built on the initiative of the Municipality of Rome in 1900, in a rural

Fontana dell'Acqua Paola in piazza trilussa
Piazza Trilussa

In Piazza Trilussa, you can find the beautiful fountain of Acqua Paola, also known as

Fontana dell'Obelisco Lateranense
Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano

The fountain is located in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano at the foot of the imposing red granite obelisk, the tallest and the most ancient in Rome, raised by Domenico Fon

Fontana della Barcaccia
Piazza di Spagna

Der Brunnen in der Mitte der Piazza di Spagna, am Fuße der beeindruckenden

Fontana della Carlotta e Scalinata degli Innamorati
Piazza Ricoldo Da Montecroce

Garbatella liegt zwar abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade des historischen Zentrums, ist aber eines der eindrucksvollsten und faszinierendsten Viertel Roms.

Fontana della Dea Roma ph. Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Piazza del Popolo

The monumental fountain is placed at the foot of the beautiful Terrace of the Pincio

Fontana della Navicella
Via della Navicella, 00184 Roma RM

On the top of the Caelian Hill, next to the splendid

Piazza di San Marco

On a side of the small square before the church of San Marco, a nice tr

Fontana della Terrina © Juan Antonio Alonso _ AGF
Piazza della Chiesa Nuova

Rom hat ein einzigartiges Erbe an Brunnen in Anzahl und Wert. Sie verschönern die großen Plätze, berühmten Straßen, vergessenen Gassen und versteckten Ecken.

Fontana delle Anfore
Piazza Testaccio
Fontana delle Api
Piazza Barberini

Seit der Renaissance wurden kleine Brunnen neben den monumentalen Brunnen „für die Bequemlichkeit des Einzelnen“ gebaut: die sogenannten „Pferdetränke“, die verwendet wurden, um d

Fontana delle Naiadi
Piazza della Repubblica

In der Mitte der monumentalen Piazza della Repubblica steht der schönste der modernen Brun

Via di Porta Castello

Walking in the Vatican area, a curious fountain stands out just beyond the open archways in the Passetto di Borgo
