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Parks und Gärten
The Parco delle Energie is located in the Pigneto-Prenestino area and bordered by via Prenestina, via di Portonaccio and by the railway track and the area of the
[...]A large green area including lawns, slopes and exceptional evidence of the ancient Rome, such as the remains of the Dom
[...]Opened to the public in 2013 and included in the Natural Reserve of Monte Mario si
[...]The park, built using a natural reservoir in the area, extends for about 9 hectares along the bank of the river Tiber
[...]Der Appia Antica Park, ein Schutzgebiet von nationaler Bedeutung und von besonderem historischem, archäologischem und naturalistischem Interesse, bietet dem Besucher ein unvergessl
[...]Located between Via Cassia and Via Flaminia, the Veio Regional Park is the fourth largest park in Lazio, with 15,000 hectares in which nature, history and culture
[...]Der Savello-Park oder Orangengarten (Giardino degli Aranci auf Italienisch) liegt auf dem Aventin-Hügel im Bereich de
[...]A vast green area on the city's Eastern outskirts, the Tor Tre Teste Giovanni Palatucci Park covers approximately 80 hectares.
Der Name des Parks leitet sich von einem mittelalterlichen Turm ab, der noch heute dort steht: Torre del Fiscale (12. -13. Jhdt.).
History, nature, and spirituality merge in one of the largest green areas within the city: 740 hectares of a territory of an immense naturalistic and historical-archaeologi
[...]The Marcigliana natural reserve is located in the north-east area of Rome, in the area between via Salaria and Nomentana, on the left bank of th
[...]Spread over 600 hectares, the luxuriant Valle dell'Aniene Nature Reserve extends through the eastern urban part of Rome, between the area of Ponte Mammolo<
[...]The Monte Mario Nature Reserve extends in the north-western part of Rome and takes its name from the highest cliff (139 metres) of the Farnesina hills
[...]Established in 1996, the Riserva Naturale Statale del Litorale Romano (State Nature Reserve of the Roman Littoral), which covers about 15,900 hectares, 8,000 of wh
[...]Ende der 70er Jahre haben einige italienische und regionale Naturschutzverbände beschlossen, den „Naturpark römische Küste“ (Parco del Litorale Romano) einzurichten, um die biologi
[...]Der städtische Rosengarten von Rom entwickelt sich an den Hängen des Aventin, gegenüber den Überresten des Palatins direkt über dem Circus Maximus.
The Shoals of Tor Paterno, located off the Roman coast between Ostia and Torvajanica, consist of a rock formation covered with animal and vegetable organisms that,
[...]The Presidential Estate of Castelporziano covers an area of about 59 square kilometers (5,892 hectares) and is 24 kilometers from the center of Rome.
Am Nachmittag gegen Sonnenuntergang hat Rom einen unvergesslichen Aspekt, besonders von der Terrasse des Pincio, einem von Giuseppe Valadier (1834) entworfenen gra
[...]A Dutch-style park, a festival of colour with the flowering of some 500,000 tulip bulbs.
Die Villa Ada Savoia liegt im Norden der Stadt an der via Salaria und ist der drittgrößte Park in Rom nach Villa Doria Pamphilj
[...]Die Villa erscheint als hängende, von Mauern umgebene Gartenanlage in der Nähe der Via Nazionale und der Via Quattro Novembre, nicht weit von der Piazza del Quirinale entfernt.
[...]Der Park der Villa Borghese nimmt eine große Fläche in der Innenstadt.
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