Fiere, saloni e workshop di Roma Capitale: prorogato il termine di scadenza | Turismo Roma
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Fairs, salons, and workshops in Roma Capitale: the deadline has been extended

Lupa Capitolina
von 27 April 2021 bis 6 Mai 2021

The extension refers to the Public Notice approved with Determinazione Dirigenziale no. QA / 150/2021, to be published in the online Albo Pretorio from 1 April 2021, aimed at the acquisition of expressions of interest relating to participation as co-exhibitors of Roma Capitale in the spaces reserved for it in tourism promotion initiatives, in Italy and abroad, scheduled between June and December 2021, with a deadline originally set for 26 April 2021.

We inform you that the Dipartimento Turismo, Formazione professionale e Lavoro, with Determinazione Dirigenziale no. QA / 184/2021 of 26/04/2021, has ordered the extension of 10 days of the deadline for the presentation of expressions of interest in order to expand, due to the moment of particular difficulty in the tourism sector, the possibility of participation by any interested operators as well as in relation to the opportunity of their presence for a more effective action of the City on the occasion of sector appointments.

For the above, the deadline for the submission of expressions of interest relating to the Public Notice in question is set for 6 May 2021.

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