Il Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo e Palazzo Altemps e il Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia riaprono al pubblico | Turismo Roma
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The Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo, Palazzo Altemps and the Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia re-open to the public

Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Massimo
von 18 Juni 2020 bis 31 Juli 2020

The Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo, Palazzo Altemps and the Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia re-open to the public

On the basis of the provisions of the Dpcm of 17 May 2020, and in full compliance with the measures of security and social distancing, the openings of the museums, archaeological parks, archives and libraries of the Ministry for cultural goods and activities and for tourism continue.

The last, in order of time, to have reopened their doors to the Romans and tourists are the Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo, Palazzo Altemps and the Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia.

For opening hours and visiting procedures, you can consult the websites of the individual museums.

To research the places of culture that have so far re-open to the public, you can consult the dedicated page on the website:


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Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Massimo