Located between the Pantheon and Piazza Navona, this Rione is one of the favorite destinations for tourists from all over the world. This district hosts luxury hotels very close to the most important monuments, typical trattorias, where you can enjoy the tasty traditional Roman cuisine, numerous welcoming bars, and cafes, where you can take a quick break from shopping or cultural visits.
Among the places of main artistic and religious interest, we find Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate of the Republic and the work of Giuliano da Sangallo, the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi with the three masterpieces Caravaggio dedicated to San Matteo, the Basilica of Sant'Eustachio surmounted by the head of a deer, emblem of the district and representation of the saint, that is also one of the first Renaissance buildings in Rome, the beautiful Basilica of Sant'Agostino in Campo Marzio, where you can admire Caravaggio's Madonna dei Pellegrini (Pilgrim's Madonna), the Church of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, a jewel of Baroque architecture with its daring spiral lantern, by the genius Borromini, and the monumental Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle with the famous dome, a masterpiece of Baroque illusionism.
Here, between the Pantheon and the Stadium of Domitian were the imposing Baths of Nero (62 AD), which covered an area of about 190x120 meters, but of which today only 2 out of 150 pink granite columns remain, but which alone are enough to give an idea of the grandeur of the place. They can be admired on the right side of the church of Sant’Eustachio.
The heart of the district is represented by the homonymous square, which, in addition to the church, houses one of the most popular bars in Rome, Sant’Eustachio, a characteristic place to enjoy one of the best espresso coffees in Rome.
In via degli Staderari, between the Pantheon and Piazza Navona, is one of the most original neighborhood fountains in the city, the Fountain of Books. It refers to the ancient Palazzo della Sapienza. The building, once the seat of the homonymous University, later moved to the Rione Trastevere. The fountain features the famous deer head, emblem of the area, and four ancient tomes from which water drops to symbolize the knowledge flowing from books.
On the left side of the church of Sant'Andrea della Valle, however, you can come across one of the six talking statues of Rome, Abate Luigi, who, with his violent accusations, struck and tried to restore order to the public figures of the Rome of the 14th and 15th centuries.
In via dei Redentoristi 13, a plaque reminds us that the famous dialect poet Giuseppe Gioachino Belli was born in that building.
Borders: Via dei Portoghesi, Via della Stelletta, Piazza and Via di Campo Marzio, Via and piazza della Maddalena, Via del Pantheon, Piazza della Rotonda, Via della Rotonda, Piazza santa Chiara, Via di Torre Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina, Largo Arenula, Via di sant'Elena, Via in Publicolis, Via di Santa Maria del Pianto, Via Arenula, Piazza Cairoli, Via dei Giubbonari, Via dei Chiavari, Piazza dei Satiri, Largo Pallaro, Largo dei Chiavari, Corso del Rinascimento, Piazza delle Cinque Lune, Piazza sant'Agostino, Via dei Pianellari.
The coat of arms of the district is the head of a deer surmounted by a golden bust of Jesus, or a cross, on a red background.
Palazzo Madama (Sitz des italienischen Senats)

San Luigi dei Francesi (St. Louis of the French)

Basilika Sant'Eustachio

The Basilica of Sant’Agostino in Campo Marzio

The Church of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza

Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle

Fontana dei Libri