Intorno a Dante. I circoli di lettura leggono la commedia | Turismo Roma
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Around Dante. The reading circles read the Comedy

Intorno a Dante - i circoli di lettura leggono la Commedia

As part of the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of Dante's death, every Sunday at 12.00, on the Facebook page of Biblioteche di Roma, the members of the reading circles read the most famous and iconic Canti of the Divine Comedy, from the "In the middle of the walk " "up to" Love that moves the sun and the other stars ", commented and deepened by ten experts.

The event sees the participation of the reading circles of the Libraries Casa delle Letterature, Basaglia, Villino Corsini, Giordano Bruno, Casa delle Translations, Europea, Ennio Flaiano, Biblioteca Cornelia, Villa Leopardi and Laurentina.

A journey around Dante which, starting from his most representative text, also allows you to learn about particular aspects of his time and his poetics, thanks to Lucilla Giagnoni, Gian Luigi Beccaria, Luca Serianni, Bianca Garavelli, Antonio Zoccoli, Giulio Ferroni, Laura Pugno, Jhumpa Lahiri and others, ten experts who accompany the reading with short focuses.

Upcoming events

11 April
Inferno X Canto – circle Biblioteca Villino Corsini
with Luca Serianni

18 April
Inferno XIX Canto – circle Biblioteca Giordano Bruno
with Bianca Garavelli

25 April
Inferno XXVI Canto – circle Biblioteca Casa delle Traduzioni
with Antonio Zoccoli

2 May
Inferno XXXIII Canto – circle Biblioteca Europea

9 May
Purgatorio V Canto – circle Biblioteca Ennio Flaiano

16 May
Purgatorio XXX Canto – circle Biblioteca Cornelia
with Jhumpa Lahiri

23 May
Paradiso XVII Canto – circle Biblioteca Villa Leopardi
with Giulio Ferroni

30 May
Paradiso XXXIII Canto – circle Biblioteca Laurentina
with Laura Pugno


depuis 28 Mars 2021 à 30 Mai 2021
Web site:

Dal 28 marzo 2021 al 30 maggio 2021
Online tutte le domeniche alle 12.00 sulla pagina Facebook delle Biblioteche di Roma

Giorni di chiusura 
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
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