Festival ArteScienza 2020 - “Accelerazione || Decelerazione” | Turismo Roma
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Festival ArteScienza 2020 - “Accelerazione || Decelerazione”

Villa Torlonia

Concerts, performances, installations, conferences, meetings with artists and masterclasses: art meet science with ArteScienza, the event organized by CRM - Music Research Center. The title for this new edition is “Accelerazione || Decelerazione”, two opposing phenomena that have stimulated the reflections of sociologists, anthropologists and philosophers and that affect several spheres of our society.

Divided into thematic areas intended for different audiences, the festival takes place in prestigious venues, transformed into places of the imagination thanks to music, innovative art forms, the participatory action of the public and dialogue with artists. The opening is at the Casino Nobile of Villa Torlonia with “Voci Sottese”, an interactive / adaptive art sound installation created with Planofoni® in harmonic wood that enhances the natural and architectural beauty of the location.

The gardens and the Conference Room of the Goethe Institut, CRM’s privileged partner since 1993, will host  music videos, concerts / installations with Holophones (special sound projectors patented by CRM), poetry, dance, theater and music, projections and performances that every day will investigate an instrument or a couple of different instruments (viola, clarinet, percussion, flute, sax, clarinet and bajan) To further enrich the edition, on 30 September the Church of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola will host a concert for organ and live electronics (Giulio Tosti organ, Pasquale Citera live electronics), with traditional and contemporary works, preceded by a meeting with the philosopher and historian of metaphysics Paul Gilbert.

The festival is part of Romarama 2020, the cultural program promoted by Roma Capitale.

See the program here.


depuis 8 Septembre 2020 à 4 Décembre 2020
+39 06 45563595
Web site: 

Dall' 8 settembre al 4 ottobre + ultimo evento 4 dicembre 2020
Vari luoghi

Gli eventi iniziano alle ore 20.00
L’ingresso in area spettacolo è consentito dalle ore 19.30; è vivamente consigliato arrivare in loco almeno 30 minuti prima dell’inizio dello spettacolo per poter espletare i vari adempimenti del protocollo sanitario post Covid19.

Programma della manifestazione: http://www.artescienza.info/it/programma-it.html

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