Sliding History Rome, the charm of Rome seen from above | Turismo Roma
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Sliding History Rome, the charm of Rome seen from above

It is like leafing through the pages of a wonderful book, flying over the rooftops of Rome, sliding between squares, streets and alleys, getting lost in front of magnificent architectures and timeless masterpieces. The Sliding History Rome project, developed by Generative Solution, Paolo Masini, Dante Mortet and Roberto Ciufoli, was born not by chance during the lockdown period: the result is a suggestive and exciting virtual tour that allows us to move, as if in flight, from one place to another, traveling in time and space. And this thanks to high definition and 360° images shot in more than 40 places in Rome when the city was completely free from traffic and human presence.

Rome flows before our eyes as we have never seen it before, it lets itself be admired and tells itself: all we have to do is accessing the website, simple and user friendly, to discover even the smallest details of what makes it so amazing. Navigating through the streets of the city, we can read more information on museums, palaces and monuments thanks to hyperlinks, zoom in to frame details and hidden corners or see maps of the area in which we are. Or we can stop and listen to the stories of Roberto Ciufoli who, in an alternation of dialogues with historical characters (played by himself), reveals the secrets and curiosities of an eternally fascinating city.


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