VRE – Virtual Reality Experience | Turismo Roma
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VRE – Virtual Reality Experience

VRE – Virtual Reality Experience 2021 - Cyberia Maria Guta

Installations, performances, 360 º cinema, video-dance, interactive experiences through viewers and sensors, talks, panels, and keynotes, plus a series of events dedicated to virtual reality and its use and impact in arts,  culture, the enhancement of cultural heritage, science and medicine, learning, and industry at VRE Virtual Reality Experience, the first Italian festival entirely dedicated to the world of immersive technologies (VR - Virtual reality, AR - Augmented reality, MR - Mixed reality), which returns to Rome after the success of the two previous editions.

In the three days of the festival, in the Galleria delle Vasche della Pelanda, you can appreciate over 30 projects from 20 countries, including four installations of augmented reality and mixed reality and two artistic performances of virtual reality augmented and mixed (XR Art Performance). Twenty projects in competition for eight films at 360 º and twelve VR Experiences, plus 7 VR projects out of competition.

Among the installations, some artworks by the international digital artist Tamiko Thiel in collaboration with his partner Peter Graf Ay Corona! and Evolution of Fish, in addition to the installations made by OSC Innovation for VRE21, Catartic Membrane - installation in AR (augmented reality) and Inpossible - installation in MR (mixed reality) made by OSC.

In compliance with current legislation, admission to the events is allowed upon presentation of the Green Pass.


from 14 October 2021 to 16 October 2021
Web site: 

Dal 14 al 16 ottobre 2021
dalle ore 10.00 alle 22.00

Pelanda del Mattatoio (ex Macro Testaccio, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4)

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