Palazzo delle Esposizioni hosts Contesteco, the online contest of sustainable art and design + eco of the web in which enthusiasts and artists can propose, through the web and the universal language of art, their works made on the concepts of creative recycling and sustainable development of the planet and tell the daily struggle for a more sustainable planet.
The works chosen by both a Qualified Jury and a Popular Jury will be displayed, as finalists, in the exhibition space of the Fai la differenza, c'è... il Festival della sostenibilità project in the Euroma2 Shopping Centre, a space for meeting and discussion that is proactive and promoted in collaboration with the national freepress METRO.
Contesteco is an integral part of the Contesteco Experience project, a 'stargate' that could 'imaginatively' put us in contact with Aliens and make us reflect on the state of the planet we live on and the people who use it.
Contesteco Experience focuses on the arts, creativity and talent with the aim that the culture produced and enjoyed, intertwined with the development of knowledge, is the driving force behind sustainable, intelligent and inclusive growth: a project that includes a rich menu of initiatives and special events such as the exhibition of "personal/collective" creative recycling, meetings and testimonies to photograph the state of the art of Agenda 2030, workshops, laboratories and entertainment with recovery artists, reuse artisans and more, dedicated to children and adults who want to know more and to children who, with their families, want to rediscover the traditions of craftsmanship, creativity and the innovative world of coding in a fun way.
Until 27 April, every Saturday promises a full programme of activities and appointments: in the morning with meetings, discussions, reflections and entertainment; in the afternoon with recovery artists, reuse artisans, upcyclers and innovators who, through workshops/laboratories dedicated to adults and children, will bring the culture of sustainability to life.
For the detailed programme of appointments please consult the official website.
The project is the winner of the Public Notice "Raccolta di Proposte progettuali per la realizzazione di eventi, manifestazioni, iniziative e progetti di interesse per l’Amministrazione capitolina di rilevanza cittadina" (Collection of Project Proposals for the realisation of events, manifestations, initiatives and projects of interest to the Capitoline Administration of city relevance) promoted by Roma Capitale in collaboration with Zètema Progetto Cultura.
Da sabato 24 febbraio al sabato 27 aprile 2024
L'esposizione delle personali / collettive è visibile per tutto il periodo dell’evento presso la Serra di Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma, con ingresso in Scalinata di Via Milano 9/a
nei seguenti giorni e orari:
dal martedì alla domenica
dalle ore 12.00 alle ore 16.00 con ingresso max alle ore 15.30
Tutti i sabati sono in programma attività ad accesso libero e gratuito
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