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Tempo libero
Following a major redevelopment project of a portion of the former Atac Vittoria bus depot, this prestigious 5000 square metre space for events, <
[...]Roma World is the Ancient Rome Theme Park where you can experience history and a day as an ancient Roman on a journey that takes you 2000 years back in time.
The Sala Santa Rita was formely the Church of Santa Rita di Cascia, originally erected in the vicinity of the celebrated Aracoeli staircase on the site of the medieval church of “S
[...]Es un lugar mágico donde Pulcinella y sus amigos actores, títeres, músicos y bailarines viven juntos. Abierto al público cada vez que se realiza un evento artístico.
One thousand six hundred square metres dedicated to skateboarding, other playground sports, and urban art activities: this is the Ostia Skate Park, located in the
[...]Spiaggia Libera Grigia
Lungomare Duca degli Abruzzi, altezza civ. 72
Il complesso di Capocotta è una spiaggia dunale di macchia mediterranea, distesa tra il km 8,000 ed il 10,00 della Litoranea Ostia-Anzio.
The whiteness of Carrara marble for a stunning view
Located in the EUR district, the stadium owes its name to the ancient abbey of the T
[...]Located in one of Rome's most suggestive and historically rich areas, a few steps from the Colos
[...]Uno de los estadios más queridos de Italia ha alcanzado los 60 años de edad.
Located a few steps from the sea, the Teatro del Lido di Ostia is located within the
A real cultural challenge to enhance an area rich in potential and one of the most densely populated in Rome, led to the opening, on 9 Decembe
[...]La programmazione contribuisce alla crescita culturale del tessuto cittadino, attraverso la valorizzazione delle esperienze locali e la promozione della drammaturgia contemporanea e dei nuovi lingu
[...]Tradicional espectáculo de marionetas al aire libre, cerca de la terraza panorámica del Gianicolo, solo se puede disfrutar durante los fines de semana. Info 06 5827767
En el pasado, el Teatro Ambra Jovinelli se denominaba simplemente Teatro Jovinelli, y su función principal es la de ser el escenario de obras teatrales de temática cómica.
El Teatro de la Ópera, que ofrece principalmente espectáculos de ópera lírica y de ballet, también es conocido con el nombre de Teatro Costanzi, que deriva del nombre del arquitect
[...]El Teatro Argentina tiene unos orígenes muy antiguos, ya que se levanta en el lugar donde estaba situada la gran aula llamada Curia Pompeii, donde fue asesinado Julio César.
Il Teatro di Villa Torlonia has a long history; it was commissioned in 1841 by Prince Alessandro Torlonia to the architect Quintiliano Raimondi to
[...]Always looking for new spaces in which to represent contemporary scenic forms, 20th-century theatre has often found its precise location within buildings of industrial arch
[...]El Teatro Le Maschere es el teatro para todos: niños, jóvenes, familias y grupos escolares. Ofrece espectáculos, talleres y cursos de teatro.
El Teatro delle Marionette degli Accettella trabaja, sin interrupción desde hace más de 65 años, en el Teatro di Figura y en el Teatro Ragazzi promoviendo y produciendo act
[...]The reference theatre for dance in Rome, Teatro Olimpico has always hosted companies of an extraordinary national and international level.
Commissioned by the Istituto Case Popolari to house a Cinema-Theatre and a series of private dwellings on six floors and built between 1926 and 1927 by architect <
[...]Un Teatro completamente dedicado a los jóvenes, con espectáculos diarios para todas las edades.
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