The second edition of the Resonare Fibris concert program is hosted in the spaces of the National Museum of Musical Instruments. The event, born from an idea by Sonia Martone, director of the Museum, avails itself of the Artistic Direction of Simone Vallerotonda and includes six events, from April to October, with a wide repertoire that ranges from ancient music to that of the nineteenth century.
This edition, like the first, also proceeds with the Rediscovered sounds project - curated by the director of the Museum as well - which concerns the musical instruments exhibited or preserved in the deposits, which are providing precious information on the contexts of origin, on their builders, on different uses and on the transformations undergone together with the recovery of centuries-old sounds, which it is shared with the public of the Museum.
The event is promoted by the State Museums Directorate of Rome, led by the General Director of Museums Prof. Massimo Osanna and is organized thanks to the support of CIDIM - Italian National Music Committee.
Dal 19 aprile all’11 ottobre 2024
Venerdì 19 aprile, Francesco Cera - ‘Frescobaldi e Napoli, tra partite e inganni’
Venerdì 31 maggio, Alon Sariel e Paola Erdas - ‘Pizzicar di corde’
Venerdì 28 giugno, Federica Bianchi e Alessandro Palmeri - ‘Mirabilia sonora’
Venerdì 5 luglio, Edoardo Coen e Andrea Coen - “… Quel canto onde nostr’alma bèi.”
Venerdì 13 settembre, Pietro Locatto - ‘Hermann Hauser: la chitarra di Andrés Segovia’
Venerdì 11 ottobre, Roberto Prosseda – ‘1908’
Ore 18